Salah at Snowdonia Interview edits from yesterday’s Ted Talk. Alhum Ustadh Tufayl. Co-founder of Sunnah Trust and a vo Servitude Ted Talks. Being Muslim in the Modern Wo Beautiful recitation by Yahya. Servitude Ted Talk. Quran Recitation by Qari Yahya Instagram post 17916439364993617 We are working in partnership with Nida Trust, The Last week our Servitude students sold hand packed The winning team from the apprentice task enjoyed Instagram post 18254609788256020 Instagram post 17860502493276426 Instagram post 17934945956823511 Servitude Ted Talk. We look forward to hearing fro Well done to everyone who participated in the fund Reflecting on the Simple Seerah. Session 6. How to influence and motivate others. In yesterday’s session, the students were given Instagram post 17882991369150711 Load More Follow on Instagram